Why It Is So Hard To Leave A Toxic Loved One And The Science Behind It

If you have lived a long enough to be actually part of the social world, I'm pretty sure that you have already come across at least one person who was either toxic or exploited you or basically took benefit of you.

But What Is A Toxic Relationship?

Not going by the exact definition, it basically means the type of relationship where one or sometimes both the partners are toxic and at the end of the day is more harming to each other's mental health and physical as well.

And Who Is a toxic partner?

Let's change the question a bit here, Who Is A Toxic Person?

Again not following the exact definition, A Toxic Person Basically that kind of a person who's whole life, decisions and relationships are meant and made for the sake of only and only his/her own benefits.

Self-centred, Overly Dominant and Unreasonable Jealousy is just a few words that can be caught on actions on the top layers of a toxic person.

For Example, If Person A(Toxic) Helps You(Non-Toxic), He/She Will Never Let You Forget The About It In Your Entire Life.

We all are a little bit Toxic on the inside, not completely but sure in parts but sometimes it can grow on us bigger than ourselves.

It's okay if you used to be Toxic and now you're not, all it takes is your self-acceptance and will to be better.

Okay, coming back to our main topic,

Why It Is So Hard For Us To Leave A Toxic Relationship, And Why Do We Feel Trapped And Stuck In A Relationship In Which We Never Really Want To Be Part Of In The First Place?


But what is Stockholm

It is the condition where the victim develops an emotional bond with their abuser within the course of hours, days, weeks, months or sometimes even years.

Remember those times when you know a person is toxic, but you still give yourself illogical excuses so that you don't have to try to leave that one Person, it's nothing but your Stockhlom Syndromes in action.

If you go to Google and type in the words "Stockholm Syndrome", the one most common sentences in every article about will be "It's a rare psychological disorder" but the reality is it is neither "rare" nor a "disorder"

It plays a major role In most of the abusive and toxic relationships.

And as the name suggests it is classified as a "Syndrome".

My Opinions:
It is always advised to seek help or get out of such relationships as soon as possible both physically and emotionally because they'll only harm you at the end in both ways.

If you've ever been a part of a toxic relationship please share your experiences with us.

Please note that I mainly focused on the toxic relationship in a general form but if your partner is abusive in any manner, you should seek immediate help in any form possible.

Below are some useful links:

https://www.thehotline.org/ - FREE live chat, 24/7 call services, OVER 200 LANGUAGEShttps://www.loveisrespect.org/ - FREE live chat, 24/7 call services
https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ - FREE live chat, 24/7 call services
https://www.childhelp.org/hotline/ - FREE chat only in Arizona, nationwide 24/7 call services
https://www.betterhelp.com/ - NOT SPONSORED - online, personal counseling services

https://www.joinonelove.org/ - LEARN MORE about abusive relationships
https://www.loveisrespect.org/ - “RELATIONSHIPS 101” - LGBTQ+ inclusivehttps://www.thehotline.org/is-this-ab... - “IS THIS ABUSE?” - helpful guide“6 Types of Child Abuse” by Psych2Go: https://youtu.be/vRkKPMXXN8M“
Abuse Story” by storybooth: https://youtu.be/SiKQDu2cNvU
“Bad Boyfriend” by storybooth: https://youtu.be/_vFqzpENZO0

Thanks For Reading


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